Seminars, workshops and much more
Register here for our free seminars, workshops and talks for founders. The WorldfactoryStart-up Centre also offers camps and events. In face-to-face and online events, you will get to know the start-up scene in Bochum, NRW, Germany and the whole world and receive valuable inspiration on how to develop, launch and expand your business idea.
From Top Level Sience to Top Level Business

Content and aim of the workshop series
In our event “From Top Level Sience to Top Level Business”, we want to get you excited about the topic of entrepreneurship. Together with external speakers and start-up experts, we are organising a series of workshops that will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to develop your own product idea and application-oriented solutions. In addition to start-up-relevant know-how, the personal experience reports of successful founders, many of whom come from basic research at RUB, also provide exciting insights into everyday start-up life.
What are the core contents / learning objectives

- The module sensitises students and doctoral students of chemistry and biochemistry as well as related, similarly basic science degree programmes to the topic of business start-ups and imparts knowledge about entrepreneurship.
- As the events are open to different degree programmes, participants experience working in interdisciplinary teams.
- In workshops, participants learn the tools of the trade when setting up a business: tools such as ideation, the business model canvas or the kill-your-company method help participants to develop product ideas and problem solutions.
- Participants learn how to get to the heart of their ideas in a pitch and present them in an exciting way.
Who is the target group and how can I take part?
- The course is aimed at Bachelor’s and Master’s students as well as doctoral students from the 5th semester onwards, regardless of whether they are studying for a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree. Previous knowledge of business administration or corporate law is not necessary.
- The event takes place regularly in the winter semester.
- A maximum of 30 students interested in founding a company can take part.
- The course is credited with 5 CP both at the Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry and in the optional area.
- Enrolment is via E-Campus.