We bring chemistry and business together. Have you come up with a business idea during your research? Then let’s talk about it.
We help RUB chemists to orientate their research results and business ideas towards the market, provide information on the topic of founding a company and support spin-offs. Our services are aimed at all scientists and students with a background in chemistry, regardless of whether they currently have a promising research result or already have a well-developed business idea.
We support chemists who want to test the market relevance of their research results, for example, with individual coaching in the development of their business model, in preparing for start-up competitions or in applying for public funding such as EXIST or NRW Start-up Transfer.
For all those who would like to get to grips with founding a company for the first time, we have suitable offers from the Ruhr-Universität’s Worldfactory Start-up Centre, such as the Gründer*Innentalks or Entrepreneurship Education at RUB. In particular, we would like to draw attention to our course “From Top Level Science to Top Level Business”, which is accredited by the Faculty of Chemistry and is aimed at all those interested in founding a company.
We also see ourselves in the team as networkers for those interested in founding a company and are happy to establish needs-based contacts. Be it to the Cluster of Excellence RESOLV, to the RUB faculties and administration or to external scientific institutions, to the RUB start-up ecosystem, but also to role models and directly to the chemical industry.
As part of our Start4Chem Labs project, we offer office and laboratory space to those interested in founding a company. In these rooms, teams from chemistry and biochemistry interested in founding a company can advance their real start-up projects and exchange ideas with other people interested in founding a company.
Together with our colleagues at the Worldfactory Start-up Centre, we support a wide variety of teams from the fields of chemistry and biochemistry. They are at different stages of development and have different careers behind and ahead of them. And that is exactly what is important to us. We will support you if you are interested in founding a company – the end is completely open. We look forward to meeting you!